guest@taylorwillmott: ~
guest@taylorwillmott:~ $ cat about.txt
Hey there, my name is Taylor Willmott.
I'm a Computer Science graduate from the University of York.
At the moment I'm happily working in a CI/CD-based position, but I also greatly enjoy more traditional software development and hardware-focused work.
By the way, please excuse the mess. The site is still in development!
guest@taylorwillmott: ~
guest@taylorwillmott:~ $ cat projects.md
# Projects
Here are some of the projects I've worked on; there are also a few more minor code snippets on [my GitHub page](https://git.taylorwillmott.com).

## Software Engineering Project (SEPR)
SEPR is a module I took as part of my university course which involved getting into teams and taking a game through different stages of development.

We started out with research and planning before making an initial version of the game, and then we were tasked with taking on another team's project and finished it based on their requirements.
Finally, we swapped projects again and altered the new project to deal with changes in the requirements.

My SEPR group's website with all the relevant code and documentation can be found [here](https://taylorwillmott.com/SEPR).

## Spectral Servers
SpectralRP is a Garry's Mod server I am developing with some non-coding friends.

A public repository containing some of the LUA work I've done for the project can be found [here](https://go.taylorwillmott.com/SpectralPublic); this includes some addons I've altered/improved as well as some I've created entirely from scratch.

You can also check out the website at [spectralservers.com](https://spectralservers.com).
guest@taylorwillmott: ~
guest@taylorwillmott:~ $ cat contact-info.md
If you'd like to get in touch with me, email is preferred but I do check my LinkedIn and Twitter messages occasionally.
- Email: [contact@taylorwillmott.com](mailto:contact@taylorwillmott.com)
- LinkedIn: [taylorswillmott](https://in.taylorwillmott.com)
- Twitter: [@TaylorSWillmott](https://tweet.taylorwillmott.com)